
We all need a place, a community that welcomes us and reminds us of our significance. God loves you – loves all of us – just as we are. And here at FFC, we seek to be a community grounded in that love.

In our ministry to youth and families, we seek to create community where stories are shared and experienced together. FFC is blessed to have incredible adult leaders who serve faithfully alongside our youth while welcoming their questions, gifts, and passions.

With our faithful youth and family ministries of adult leaders and staff, we are able to provide regular fellowship, engaging Bible study and Christian education, leadership development, transformative retreats, and committed service to both the local and global communities.

Ultimately, the youth and family ministry expands well beyond the walls of FFC’s sanctuary. By connecting our adults and youth with supportive relationships and meaningful resources, we seek to empower families for discipleship in the world.

This is truly a community that will encourage and inspire you in God’s love.


Confirmation is a formative Christian faith experience for youth where we affirm the promise of God’s love for each of us and our part in the story of God’s love. Our confirmation youth are blessed with the opportunity to engage in immersive retreats which nurture the essential elements of Christian community: Worship, Fellowship, Mission, and Giving.

All 8th grade youth and older youth who haven’t been confirmed are invited to join us for the confirmation experience.

To learn more about Youth Ministries at First Federated Church, contact our church office at 309-685-5258.

Confirmation also includes ongoing fellowship and service opportunities, as well as encouragement and support from faithful mentors. The confirmation ministry team seeks to:

  • Create lasting community
  • Prepare our youth for faithful discipleship
  • Deepen understanding of faith, The Bible, and how God is moving in the world
  • Instill Christian spiritual practices
  • Offer a safe space to ask questions, share doubts, and fears
  • Help youth further discover their gifts and dreams.