By definition, a federation is a church whose membership includes two or more congregations of different denominational affiliation. Our church was formed in 1937 after the former First Congregational Church burned to the ground and began worshiping with Second Presbyterian Church. These two congregations formed First Federated Church.
Every service includes music, prayer, and a biblically-based sermon. There's more specific information about each service here.
You'll see a range of styles at both services. Generally, the variety tends to be generationally-based, e.g. sport coats and ties for the oldest members, open collars on middle generations, and jeans or shorts on the teens and 20s. So basically, anything goes. It’s more important to us that you’re in worship than what you’re wearing.
While you will not be asked to stand or identify yourself, we do ask that you fill out the Friendship Pad that gets passed down each pew. If you provide contact information, we'd love to get in touch.
At all of our services, children are welcome in worship with their families. During the 10 a.m. service, we also offer Sunday school and Nursery care. Preschool and school-age children begin in worship with their family at this service; then they are invited forward for a “children’s message” around 15 minutes into the service. After this brief message, they are chaperoned to Sunday school time for the remainder of worship. You can find their locations for pick-up in the bulletin. Or you can ask someone and they will be happy to show you where to go. You’re also welcome to accompany your child anytime…especially the first few times.
Nursery care for children 0-2 years old is provided by loving, paid staff during the 10am service. You’re welcome to drop your child off before worship or anytime during the service.
Your child's safety is very important to us. For more information concerning our protection policy, click here.
LOTS! There’s Sunday school for preschool through high school and a variety of fellowship activities for junior and senior high students. Additionally, we have a mid-week program called LOGOS for elementary-aged kids. There’s also VBS, Confirmation, Bible Dedication, Youth Sunday, weekend retreats, service field trips, acolyting, Shoebox Sunday, Christmas Pageant, Youth Group, and a whole lot of other activities throughout the year. Check our Children & Youth page, newsletter, bulletin, and website for up-to-date information.
Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Social Groups, Saturday Book Club, Men’s Old Buddies Breakfast, Spirituality Group, Women’s Club, Knitting & Crocheting Group, Softball Team, Outdoor Adventure Group, Saturday Night Live dinner, Young Families outings, family meals like Gingerbread Party and Family Funday, annual fundraiser social event, and anything you can dream up! Plus Adult Christian Education includes Sunday School Class at 9am, Women’s Book Study, Bible studies, and occasional outside speakers.
Check our Adults page for up-to-date information.
NO! But we might send you a note to let you know we’re glad you worshiped with us. But do let us know if you WANT a visit from a staff member.
Thomas Jefferson School Study Buddies, Snack Pack Ministry, Meals Ministry, Prayer Team, Fellowship Hour, Ushering & Greeting, Organize Events, Teach Sunday School, Answer Phones, Random Administrative Projects, Serve on a Committee, etc. Check out our Serve page for more information
Absolutely! Our congregation is a melting pot of different religious backgrounds.
"Missions" at First Federated Church means giving our time and our resources to better the lives of those in need in our community and our world and is something we’re very proud of at FFC. As a congregation we have a culture of caring and supporting mission causes with both our time and resources. Check out our SERVE page.