A Word From Our Senior Minister
It is a privilege to introduce you to First Federated Church. I hope that this website provides a sense of who we are, what we believe, and what we are called to do.
We are committed to getting to know our members and visitors, and hope that we, as a church, can nurture everyone who comes to us in a way that fits who God made them to be. In a couple of words, “We care.” We care about you, your family, each other, our community, the world, and God. We take Jesus seriously and are challenged to, in the words of the Apostle Paul, “work out our salvation” together. We encourage people to think and to act.
First Federated Church is a terrific congregation; one that is open, thoughtful and energetic. If you are exploring faith for the first time, seeking to reconnect with your faith, or searching for a church home, we hope that you will feel welcomed here.
May God continue to watch over you in your life journey.