Sunday, January 19th, 2020
In Jesus, we see that God is a “seeking” God. God is the “seeker” looking for the valuable “Golden Snitch,” you and me. We are golden in the eyes of God. So how do you respond to this God? In our gospel lesson, two of the disciples of John turn to Jesus and begin to follow him. When Jesus turned to them and asked, What do you seek? What are you looking for? they replied Rabbi or “Teacher”, where are you staying?” What does it mean to walk, to live with you? Come and see, he replied. You can know about Jesus but you cannot know Jesus unless you commit yourself to walk with Him, to live with Him, to take Jesus seriously. And you cannot know God, truly know God, unless you are willing to walk with the living resurrected Christ.
(A link to the YouTube video of this week’s service)
Bible Passages:
Special Music:
Introit I Waited Patiently For God FFC Chancel Choir
Anthem Alleluia! Praise the Lord Who Reigns on High! by Lloyd Larson Performed by the FFC Chancel Choir and Tim McCoul on trumpet
Offertory Near To The Heart of God Performed by Joel Harper