Last Sunday after Epiphany, Sunday, March 3rd, 2019
Let us break this cycle of desiring to get to some moment other than the one that’s in our presence. Let’s not ignore the potential for joy and fulfillment that can be found in our lives right this moment. Every moment we wish away, ignore or dismiss as not good enough, we never get back. Conversely, every moment is ours to seize and appreciate, to love ourselves and others, and this amazing world. In the 90th psalm, verse 12, a prayer of Moses, it reads: “So, teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Your happiness doesn’t reside in the future and it hasn’t passed you by either, It’s right here. Don’t miss out the way the rich man in the parable did. Live your happiest life now. Live abundantly.
Special Music
Anthem Fruits of the Selfless Heart By Elizabeth J. Atkinson Performed by the FFC Chancel Choir
Offertory Movement 2, Concerto for Alto Saxophone By Ronald Binge Performed by Joel Harper on piano and Christian Sauder on alto saxophone