Sunday, March 11th, 2018 ~ Fourth Sunday in Lent
The reason that we do good works and live the way we live is our thank you note to God for what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Our lives–the decisions that we make, the things that we do and do not do–are not for our edification but God’s glorification. God created us in Christ Jesus, the writer of Ephesians said, so that we can do the good works that God prepared for us to do before we were even born.
Bible Passage: Ephesians 2:1-10
Sunday, March 11th ~ Music:
Introit: When Morning Gilds The Skies Performed by the FFC Chancel Choir
Anthem: And Can It Be that I Should Gain by John Purifoy Performed by the FFC Chancel Choir
Anthem: God So Loved the World By: John Stainer Performed by: FFC Chancel Choir