Sunday, May 6th, 2018 ~ 6th Sunday of Easter
Jesus transformed the way society functions and in Jesus there are not cliques. Jesus calls you a friend because of who he is not who you are. Being called “friend” by Jesus charges us to love one another with a sacrificial love. The type of love that seeks justice, peace, and unity.
This sermon was delivered at the 8 am service, no audio file is available.
Bible Passage: John 15:9-17
Special Music:
Here I Am, Lord Arranged by: Emily Pritchard Performed by: The Limestone Community High School Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble
A Mighty Fortress Arranged by: The Men of AVJ Performed by: The Limestone Community High School Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Men
I’ll Fly Away Arranged by: The Women of AVJ Performed by: The Limestone Community High School Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Women
Sunday, May 13th was Youth Sunday. At the 10 am service several of Senior High students reflected upon their time at FFC.