Jesus Meets Us at the Table

Sunday, May 5th, 2019 ~ Youth Sunday

We meet Jesus at the Table – to be fed, to be restored, to be encouraged, to be reminded not of who we were, but of who we are. Once Jesus has come into your life, once Jesus has touched your life, you can never be the same, ever again. You may go back to your profession but you will not go back to your old way of life, your old way of looking at things.


Frosty’s Sermon Notes

In honor of Youth Sunday, one of our Senior High Youth, Ellory Wahlfeld, had a few comments.


Bible Passage:   John 21:1-19

Special Music

Anthem     We Are Marching in the Light of God      Arr. Emily Pritchard      Performed by the Limestone Community High School Advanced Vocal Jazz Choir


Offertory      In the Morning When I Rise      Arr. Emily Pritchard       Performed by the Limestone Community High School Advanced Vocal Jazz Choir


Worship Bulletin, 10 am

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