Sunday, December 17th, 2017 – 3rd Sunday of Advent
As a follower of Christ, the prophet Isaiah has made our life’s work clear and for how long we are to do it, our entire lives. We are to bring the good news of the gospel to people in our community and around the world always. We are to bind up the broken-hearted, caring for and lifting up people have bullied, mocked, and pushed around always. We are to proclaim freedom in Christ to those who are captives always. We are to comfort those who mourn always. As we fulfill our God given responsibilities we don’t do so alone. In our baptism we have been set aside as daughters and sons of God and have been given the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Holy Spirit, who is always present with us, we bring restoration to communities devastated by suffering of any kind. We bring restoration to our communities and we allow others to help restore us when we are suffering. That is who we are. That is our life’s work.
Bible Passage: Isaiah 61:1-4
Bible Passage: Isaiah 61:8-11