May 21st, 2017 – 6th Sunday of Easter
When Sue and I were in seminary my wife took a theology class taught by Dr. Harold Niebelsick. Dr. Niebelsick had served as a chaplain in West Berlin shortly after World War II and had the enviable opportunity to meet many of the leading German theologians of the 20th century; Tillich, Barth, Bultmann and the like.
One day a new student asked Dr. Niebelsick if Islam, Jews, Buddhists and others worshiped the same God. Dr. Niebelsick slowly took off his glasses and leaned over his lectern before asking, “Please tell me, sir, just how many gods do you think there are?!”
Bible Passage: Acts 17:22-31
Bible Passage: I Peter 2:2-10
Bible Passage: John 17:1-11