Wrestling with God

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost ~ Sunday, October 20th, 2019

I believe that there are times when each one of us wrestles with God. We think that we have everything all figured out and then something happens that makes us question what we believed; it may even shake our faith to its very core. Often times we are caught off guard.  

Wrestling with God  (A link to Frosty’s YouTube video of this sermon)

Sermon Notes

Bible Passage:  Genesis 32:22-31

Special Music

Prelude     Victory in Jesus and Holy Ground     Performed by Jericho Brass

YouTube Link to this performance


Music        Give Me Oil in My Lamp     Performed by Jericho Brass


Anthem     Crown Him with Many Crowns     By John Purifoy     Performed by the FFC Chancel Choir


Offertory     Be Thou My Vision     Performed by Heather Maughan, trumpet solo

YouTube Link to this performance


Additional Jericho Brass selections ~ YouTube video links. Just click on the name of the music.

Count Your Blessings

Sing Hosanna  With out LOGOS Youth

Holy Ground

Happiness Is The Lord


Worship Bulletin, 10 am

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